Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's Elementary My Dear Viewer

It's been a couple of months since my last book review. Honestly enough, I was at a loss of which book to review. I have so many books I had all ready read I could turn to for a review. My years working on an English degree have seen to that.

Yet, I none of them really served to inspire me into reviewing them. So, I went into a slump for a while only perked up by the fact I would soon visit with The Cinema Chick as a much needed vacation from current pressures.

It was after this nice vacation that I finally managed to get my hands on a book that sparked that flame in me again. Long story short, after a long walk through her local Half Price books I came across this book:

I had before this point read some of Conan Doyle's Sherlock through free ebooks on my Kindle. But I had yet been able to get my hands on a copy of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Seeing this book being sold for only 8 dollars got me very excited and I set to reading it as soon as I had a chance.

To my great surprise and happiness, this book actually contains two stories. The first was actually called A Study in Scarlet while the second was The Hound of the Baskervilles.

So in this review you guys get a double dose.

A Study in Scarlet is a quite crucial piece of literature considering it details the story of how Dr. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes first meet. I was very intrigued by this. Most stories I've read seem to set things up as if everyone all ready has some connection or are just easily settled with the person they come to meet.

This was not really the case here. Dr. Watson finds himself in a dire situation of lack of money with his departure from the military due to injury. He meets a close friend who had heard of a man looking to split the rent of a place with someone having not been able to find anyone suitable to his needs. Thus the meeting of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson is arranged.

Despite the oddity of the pair and the odd hours and keeping of the household that would drive nearly everyone else batty, the pair finds that the other is not only a decent house mate but that their lives will become tangled together in a way they could not have anticipated. This is Dr. Waston's first viewing of the mind possessed by Sherlock Holmes.A mind that far exceeds anything he could have imagined but finds more than intriguing rather than infuriating as Holmes' past house mates have seen.

Being able to read this for the first time gave me a better appreciation of the history this now legendary pair have together. This story being a great jumping off point to showcase the case The Hound of the Baskervilles where the pair now works together on a new case.

I won't spoil the story for everyone but many people all ready know about the glowing demonic dog and the deaths within the family of the Baskervilles.

The story was a treat to read. You have everything from Waston's perspective as with all the Conan Doyle stories about Sherlock Holmes. Waston is thrust into a position of responsibly in the early stages and has to find his way in a world of crime fighting previously unknown to him.

The style in which it's written gives the reader just enough to hang onto while the drama of the situations are dragged out for their viewing. By the end you are ready to discover how Holmes will uncover the mystery and trap whomever is behind the happenings.

All in all this book is a great read. For those who are Sherlock Holmes fans, this is a crucial piece to read and own for yourself. If you are curious about the realm of Sherlock Holmes then you couldn't do better than this book.