Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Look Back at The Boy Who Lived

Greetings from the land of the written word.

I'm Creative Karma and when I was thinking about doing another book review I came across the very same problem I've encountered in past reviews: Which book do I review?

Well, while I was looking up at the books that surround me, my eyes kept going back to a book that spawned one of the most famous and love movie series for a world of book lovers and magic lovers.

Yes, I speak the the Harry Potter book series. Now, while the book series is long enough to cause death by books should they all fall on you from a great height, I think I will pick for this little review the very first book in the series: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Any good book worm of mettle will know that the term "Sorcerer's Stone" is actually a revision of the European title. Over seas this book is known as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This change in title is common for even well known authors and is usually done because publishers are unsure if the target audience in an area will be knowledgeable enough about a term to make the proper connection.

Even the way the cover art for the books are done in two completely different fashions as seen here below:

  The European book cover                                            The American book cover

Not that it matters to me, either way you title it, this story opened up the imaginations of millions of children and even adults. Heck they even have their own section of the Disney Land park in Florida  Take that Twilight. *ahem*

By now everyone in the free world knows about these books. They know about Harry Potter the wizard boy forced to live with his Muggle and rather evil aunt, uncle, and cousin. They know about his famous lighting scar on his forehead that got in a run in against the Dark Magic of an evil wizard who calls himself Lord Voldemort.

I could do on for ages in this way so let's jump ahead in the script a bit.

This book truly started a revolution in writing that gave me hope for humanity the way others made me not want to live on this planet anymore. Oh the Pintrest memes will never die.

Anyway, this is the book that starts it all and lets you see into the life of a boy that everyone says will do all these amazing things because of his Pureblood wizard parents. And while this book is full of the amazing things he can do, it becomes very obvious that he isn't good at everything.

He's not a straight A student. He still causes trouble. He still acts like a typical boy and while he's not at the bottom of the "social spectrum" at his school he is still antagonized by students and even Professor Snape because of things Harry doesn't know or understand yet.

This leads Harry Potter to be a character that all people can relate to in some way or another. Some people may see themselves as Harry Potter, a boy living with relatives trying to learn about a world he has just become made aware of.

Others may see themselves as Ron Weasley, a young boy that is comfortable in his large family despite not being wealthy like other wizard families that tends to get in a little more trouble but is still extremely loyal.

And can't forget those who see themselves as Hermione Granger, the bright student wizard who can do any spell she sets her mind to and always sticks to her guns despite being a wizard born of two Muggle parents.

This book as something for everyone and lays the story out in a way that all audiences can grasp easily and become hooked into. I promise, I nearly forgot about this blog when I glanced into the book to check the spelling of a name.

Now, normally, this is the place I would tell everyone to drop what they are doing and go read this book. But this book and it's movie series have been done to completion for some time now. But I do say, if you are ever feeling nostalgic. This is one of those books you can turn back to and find a little bit of enjoyment from beginning to end.

That's all from this book worm.

I'm Creative Karma and I still want to be a wizard.