Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I Dreamed A Dream

Heeeellllooo people of the internet. It’s Creative Karma back yet again here on Ink Stained Fingers.

Yes, I’m well aware that it’s not Wednesday but Thursday that I’m posting this blog. It’s taken me a while to decide what I wanted to do for this next post. I considered doing a best and worst books blog, starting to review a new series, or a number of other things.

However, none of it settled very well with me knowing that the New Year was about to turn over closing the door on 2011 and starting us through 2012.

While I haven’t done this blog all that long considering, I knew I just couldn’t pass this moment up to set up my resolutions for the next year. This year I’m going to make different ones. I’m not going to set goals that I think I should reach like dropping enough pounds to wear size 12 pants or finding a boyfriend.

Thing like that will all come in their own time and the pressure of a resolution tends to make me less willing to do so.

So this year, I’m going for resolutions I know I can accomplish and to submit a challenge to everyone out there. But before I issue my challenge lets get onto my list.

In 2012 I promise to:

1)      …keep up with my book review blog, writing blog, and drawing blog whether or not anyone ever reads it.
2)      …not get disappointed when my job search doesn’t find me a job right away.
3)      …keep searching for a job like I’m getting paid to do so.
4)      …dedicate a part of my time to working on the various unfinished stories sitting on my shelf.
5)      …make plans to save as much money as possible so I can go do things I want to do, like seeing my friend and long lost sister TheCinemaChic.
6)      …read a new book that’s not what I would normally pick for myself.
7)      …have those serious conversations with people instead of just letting things slide.

So there it is ladies and gentlemen. Like I said, I’m not going for loosing 50lbs. I’m not looking to beat some kind of addiction like my addiction to coca-cola. Not really but that stuff is hard to live without.

Now for my challenge, this year I want all of you out there to make a similar list of resolutions. Things you’ve already planned to do. Things that aren’t trying to change a major part of your life. It can be a small list or a huge one. But don’t look to change the world or major aspects of your life. Those will change all in good time.

My thought in this being, just maybe, if we took care of all the little things that seem to get in the way of the big things that the big things will resolve themselves without our notice. It’s funny what can be accomplished when you aren’t so worried about it anymore.

That’s my challenge to all of you that read this. Pass this on to your friends and family or anyone that you think this would be a good idea for.

I hope all of you had a great holiday weekend and have an even greater New Years. Here’s hoping all of your dreams and resolutions come true.

This is Creative Karma quoting Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

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