Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Top 10 Books I Couldn't Have Lived Without

Hello again and welcome to Ink Stained Fingers, where all books get their trial by fire.

As for those of you who have been keeping up with my reviews you know that last time I went over the list of the top 10 books I could have lived without. Since then I’ve had a few friends of mine that had asked me numerous questions. One of the biggest ones was that if that was the books I didn’t like then what were the top 10 books I couldn’t live without?

You know those books. The book that you could read over and over again. It’s the books you keep within reach so you can grab it up and read it whenever you get the urge.

Luckily for them and for you I all ready had a list set up for just this occasion. So today, we are gonna dive into the Top 10 Books I Couldn’t Live Without. So buckle in for the books that I could talk about all day long.

And I promise to keep it short as possible…but I make no promises.

10. The Chalice and the Blade by Genna McReynolds
This is one of those books I believe I’ve mentioned before. But this is one of those books that broke through my usual radar of books with damsels in distress as something not to aspire to. The main reason it made this list is because of that. The fact that it has dragons, sword fighting, magic and a damsel in distress that can fight back makes it a book that I could read over and over again.

9. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
Now, many people know all about this book series. It’s one of the most popular book to movie series even before Harry Potter. This book is timeless. The characters are amazing. The story is epic in ways that all other books try to compete with. The series is flawless and they know it because they aren’t trying to add to it or do spin offs. There’s simply no need.

8. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
And here we have it. This is the next book in a series that came out perfect. Some people may have problems with the characters but I don’t. As Steven King said: “Harry Potter is all about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity.” If any kids need a series to inspire them, then this series is the one and the Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite out of the entire series for that.

7. Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer
Now my friends know that this book would make this list and for those of you that have kept up with my blog then you would too. The big reason this book makes the list is that for the first time in the series we actually get to hear from the other characters. The starting force might have been Bella but she wasn’t completely center stage. That made this book better than others by far.

6. Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
I’ve seen another couple of reviews for this book and I have to agree with them. While this book does make series like Twilight possible, it is still separate from those other series. It is the first of its kind that makes vampires into the ones that you’d rather spend eternity with rather than running screaming in the other direction. I do like the traditional vampires once in a while but what’s a good story without some hot eye candy? You may never marry these vampires but I bet it’s more than enough to dream about them.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Now this book is unlike the other books on the series except maybe for The Beekeeper’s Apprentice. This is one of those stories that I like not for hot guys or powerful women. This is a story I like for the moral it brings across. Simply that first impressions of a person aren’t always right and those impressions shouldn’t used to keep yourself distant from the other person because that very person might be the key to happiness in your life.

4. Dhampir by Barb and J.C. Hendee
Again, here’s another vampire book that makes the list. However, this is so far from Twilight and Interview with the Vampire that it has its own category in my mind. There’s no romance. No vampires you want to date or that are even sexy. This is all about the action with some mystery thrown in to keep you wondering what’s going to happen. A vampire mystery. Sounds like fun to me.

3. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Now this is a book that needs to be on everyone’s list. A book about the severe effects of over-censorship. Most people think we as a society could never let things get that far. This book is more than enough of a wake up call as to what things could be like if we just keep taking the passive route through our lives. Give this book a read and see just what I mean.

2. Obsidian Butterfly by Laurell K. Hamilton
Yet another vampire novel makes my list. Any of my friends could attest to the fact that I’m a sucker for a vampire novel. However, while this novel is from a vampire series, this book has little to do with the main vampires of the series. Yeah it features vampires but it delves more into the life of an assassian and bounty hunter that Anita Blake knows as Edward, Death or Ted Forrester. The last when he’s doing legal things. Edward is one of my faves from the series and I was more than excited to learn more about him.

1. The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King
And here it is, one of my fave books. This book made me want to seek out the original Sherlock Holmes stories and read as many of them as possible as well as the rest of this series. This book is perfect in my mind. The thrills, the backstories, the characters and everything else is well thought out and executed. You aren’t spending the book trying to figure anything out but you are still curious where the story is going. Mystery, crime, and someone that will go toe to toe with Sherlock Holmes? Just awesome.

And there you have it, the top 10 books that I couldn’t live without. These books were never in any particular order. Even if I tried to go for some sort of order I wouldn’t have been able to do it. They are all amazing in their own ways. Just seems wrong to pit them against each other. It’s enough that they are great.

Do you have a top 10 books you could always go back to? Those books that you turn to on good days, bad days, and all the days in between because it’s stuck in your mind. If you do feel free to share them in the comments.

Don’t have a top 10? Don’t even know where to start? Try out the books on my list. They just may be the ones that end up on your top 10.

That’s all from this book junkie.

I’m Creative Karma and I’m on the look out for a new top 10 books to love.

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