Thursday, March 1, 2012

The One Book to Rule Them All

Hello to everyone again and welcome back to Ink Stained Fingers.

As anyone knows that even remotely looks at this blog, I recently took a hiatus from reviewing books for a short time to take a breather and a mental vacation. Real life decided to weigh heavily on my time for a short while. Most of you know the drill of dealing with the basics of chores and job hunting.

However, most of that is now gone and without a car job hunting is on hold pending its return. But last night I finally felt like my mind had rested enough that I could get back to reviewing without my mind imploding.

Now, as many geeks, nerds and fanatics out there are aware, The Hobbit is going to be made into a new live action film. I am personally very excited about this movie and plan to go out and see it the first chance I get when it comes out in theaters. It makes me even happier to know they will be using the same actors from the other three when characters like Legolas or Gandalf makes their appearance.

So in honor of the movie in the making, I will start off with The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Now, a few might question as to why I’m not starting off with The Hobbit which is the beginning of the series. Well, there are a couple of reasons for that. First off, the movie for The Hobbit is a long way in coming as it is. Holding off on reviewing the book would at least put it closer to the time the movie is coming out despite the fact the filming for the movie doesn’t even end till in November and it’s still February. No amount of spacing will get it to even out. But secondly and more importantly, it gives me time to catch up and read the book so I can do the review justice.

When the movie comes out, I will go see the movie and as any good book lover, I will tell you guys if they managed to get close enough to the book to allow anyone who hasn’t read the book to know what is going out without deviating from the book.

So for now, I will delve back into the world of books with one of my personal favorites The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now, I will not be the first to say that this book is one of the most epic, inspiring, and original books that I have ever read. Sure, there have been other books filled with adventures, saving the world, magical creatures, and a bad guy that wants to destroy and take over the world. Those are a dime a dozen.

However, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring provides the new level that other books have to reach in order to stick in our imaginations for generations. One of the few others to do so is the Harry Potter series and that had to take the avenue of wizards to make its name in the literary world.

 This book is where we get the second mention of a race known as hobbits who haven’t had a controlling stake in the fate of what is known as ‘The one ring’ since in the book The Hobbit. However, now they must take their most active role yet to give a personal stake in the fate of the land of Middle Earth and the destruction of the one ring forged by the evil Lord Sauron.

Through this adventure, those that are familiar with The Hobbit again get to meet Biblo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey, Leoglas Greenleaf, Gollum, and Lord Elrond. Then, the character list is expanded to include: Frodo Baggins and his friends Sam, Pippin, and Merry. Along with Aragorn though known by most as the ranger named Strider, Boromir, Gimli, Arwen, and Galadriel to name the main ones.

The list of characters and creatures within this cast has a life of its own. Each race has a language, a home, and a back story that goes far beyond what most other stories delve into. You see orcs, elves, men, hobbits, wizards and nazgul. Each has different kinds and different looks to separate them from the others giving a more realistic feel to a world that has many races and creeds.

In essence, that is exactly why this book makes the top of many lists. Tolkien created an entirely new world where anything was possible which made the story possible for anyone to see, understand and enjoy. Without setting this story in another realm, I’m not sure if it would have fared as well. There is more freedom when you create your own world for things to happen in and it shows here.

Sure, this book does follow some of the same conventions of men and elves that are found in other books. But when the thought of elves comes into your mind I doubt there would be many that don’t think of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in the lists of stories that come to mind. For some that may be the first. I know it is for me.

There are characters that you cling to and you become comfortable with. That make you feel for the characters and anything that happens to the characters strikes you. If they are injured, you worry for them. If they are victorious, then you rejoice with them. If the die, you cry for them. Not many books can truly say they have touched as many people in that manner as this book did.

From a literary standpoint, the flow of the book keeps you moving. You don’t ever have to think about the context the events are happening in while you read. The context is there with every line to help you along so you can simply enjoy the story and keep up in their journey without feeling rushed. You have enough information about the world to keep you updated but not so much that you feel like you are reading a history book.

I like history but when I’m reading for pleasure I certainly don’t want to feel like I’m going to be graded over what I’m reading.

All in all, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is just one of those books that will stick with me long after I’ve stopped reading it. To me, one of the biggest praises I can give any book is that I don’t need to go back and re-read the book in order to remember the story because it just comes back to me. The Lord of the Rings is one of those books.

I have favorite characters and times and scenes that I go back to time and time again to think of and be inspired by. As those who read my post about those books that inspired and influenced me know, I only have a few that really inspired me and this book made the list.

True, my hope is to be a writer one day. If anything I write could ever obtain a third of the followers and influence that The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring has then I will certainly be a happy camper.

Haven’t read this series yet? Then apparently you have just been born or got swept way in Justin Beiber fever. I have nothing against the kid but he’s just not from my time of music.

I highly recommend turning off your TV, the radio, and the computer and taking time to read this book and join the rest of the masses in reading this book. If true books are a dying breed then it’s high time to take charge of the time we have left and read books that still hold the imagination of so many.

I’m Creative Karma and it’s time for an adventure of my own.

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